Manufacturer & Dealer of Electrical & Electronics Equipment. Contact : +91 96772 52848

Polytechnic College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – EEE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electrical Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electronics Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Lab equipment manufacturers - Suppliers - Price - contact: +919677252848; +919444001354; JAYAM Electronics

Lab equipment manufacturers - contact: +919677252848; +919444001354; JAYAM Electronics

DC Regulated Fixed Output Power supply;

DC Regulated Variable Power Supply;

DC Regulated High Voltage Power Supply;

DC Regulated Multi Output Power Supply Manufacturer and supplier

Linear IC Trainer Kit [Analog Trainer] Model: JEAT-2015  Manufacturer and supplier

Digital IC Trainer Kit  Manufacturer and supplier

Logic IC Trainer Kit  Manufacturer and supplier

Audio Signal Oscillator   Manufacturer and supplier

Function Generator  Manufacturer and supplier

Decade Resistance Box  Manufacturer and supplier

Decade Capacitance Box  Manufacturer and supplier

Decade Inductance Box  Manufacturer and supplier

Digital Meter  Manufacturer and supplier

Analog Meter Desk model Oxford  supplier

Portable Meter  Manufacturer and supplier

Wattmeter UPF  Manufacturer and supplier

Wattmeter LPF  Manufacturer and supplier

Tubular Rheostats  Manufacturer and supplier

Fixed Rheostat Wire Wound  Manufacturer and supplier

Loading Rheostat Resistive Load  Manufacturer and supplier

Loading Rheostat with Fan MCB Resistive Load  Manufacturer and supplier

Digital multimeter  Manufacturer and supplier

Analog Multimeter  supplier

Digital LCR meter supplier

Digital Clamp Meter supplier

CRO Cathode Ray Oscilloscope supplier

DSO Digital Storage Oscilloscope  Manufacturer and supplier

MSO Mixed Storage Oscilloscope  Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase Autotransformer Closed Type Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Three Phase Autotransformer Closed Type Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Lamp Load Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354 

Inductive Load Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Capacitive Load Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

1 phase Isolation Transformer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 phase Isolation Transformer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

EDC Lab equipment's Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VI Characteristics of PN junction trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VI Characteristics of Zener diode trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Half wave, Full wave and Bridge rectifier with & without filter trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VI characteristics of Voltage Regulator trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Common Emitter configuration trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

RC coupled amplifier trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Emitter Follower kit - Common Collector Amplifier Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Negative feedback amplifier Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

RC phase shift oscillator kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Hartley and Colpitts oscillator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

JFET Characteristics kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Common source amplifier kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

UJT Characteristics Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


UJT relaxation oscillator kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VI characteristics of SCR trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VI characteristics of Traic trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VI characteristics of DIAC trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Clipper, Clamper Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Photo Diode Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Photo Transistor Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

LDR characteristics kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Opto coupler Characteristics kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


Solar cell Characteristics kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ECI Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Verifying Superposition theorem trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


Verifying Thevinen’s theorem trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Verifying Norton’s theorem kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Verifying maximum power transfer theorem kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

RLC bridge kit; Wheatstone Bridge kit (DC Bridge) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Schering Bridge kit - AC Bridge (Find the Value of unknown Capacitance) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Anderson’s Bridge kit - AC Bridge (Find the Value of unknown Inductance) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Earth tester kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

WEIN Bridge Oscillator kit using Op-Amp Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

LVDT Characteristics kit(Linear Variable Differential Transformer) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Load cell trainer to measure weight Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Strain measurement using strain gauge Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Temperature measurement trainer using Thermocouple Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Temperature measurement trainer using RTD Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Temperature measurement trainer using Thermister Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Verification of Ohms Law & of Kirchoffs Current and Voltage Law Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Series and Parallel Resonant Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Analog & Digital Electronics (LIC) Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Inverting and Non Inverting Amplifier kit (Using op-amp) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Summing Amplifier, Difference Amplifier kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Integrator and differentiator kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Astable and Monostable multivibrator kit (Using IC 555) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IC Voltage Regulated Power Supply’s Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Multiplexer, De-multiplexer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single digit counter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Shift Register (Digital data generator) kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Digital to Analog Converter kit - DAC Binary weighted register network Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Dual slope integration type Analog to Digital Converter (IC 0808) trainer kit – ADC Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Dual slope integration type Digital to Analog Converter (IC 0808) trainer kit DAC Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Half adder and full adder kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Half subtractor, full subtractor kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Verification of Decoder and Encoder kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Parity generator and checker and parity encoder / checker kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Verification of D, T, JK Fillip Flop kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

4 Bit Ripple counter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Realization of basic gates using NAND & NOR Gates Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Realization of logic circuit for a given Boolean expression Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Industrial Electronics & Communication Engineering Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

SCR Phase control characteristics kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

SCR Commutation circuits kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase Parallel Inverter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase Series Inverter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

MOSFET based PWM Chopper kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Multiple Pulse sine wave Inverter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IC based PWM buck converter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PLC Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Lift Control Interfacing module (Using PLC) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Conveyor Interfacing control module (Using PLC) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

High pass filter, Low pass filter (Active & Pass filter) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation Kit (With Source) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Super heterodyne receiver kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

 FM (Frequency Modulator) modulator & demodulator kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

FM Transmitter Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

FM Receiver Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PLL Oscillator kit(Phase Locked Loop) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PAM Generation & Detection kit (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PWM Generation & Detection kit (Pulse Width Modulation) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PPM Generation & Detection kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PCM transmitter & Receiver kit (Pulse Code Modulation) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 Way Cross Over Network for a three way system Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Construct & test symmetrical T & Pi attenuators Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Advanced Communication Systems Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Video Amplifier kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Sync Separator kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Sample and hold circuit kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Phase Shift Keying Trainer Kit [PSK]  (Modulation & Demodulation Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Fiber Optic Analog Link [Transmitter & Receiver] Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Fiber Optic Digital Link [Transmitter & Receiver] Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

TDM Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Analog Transmitter and Receiver kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Frequency Shift Keying Trainer Kit [FSK] Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ASK Modulation and Demodulation kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PWM Generation & Detection kit (Pulse Width Modulation) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PM Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Color TV demonstration kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Yagi Antenna with Booster Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Pattern Generator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Measure the bending loss and propagation loss in fiber optics Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Measure the Numerical aperture of optical fiber Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Voice link using Optical fiber with Telephone Hand set Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

AM Transmitter Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

AM Receiver Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Delta modulation / Demodulation Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Line coding & decoding Kit (Manchester Decoder & Encoder) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Communication (PAM, PWM, PCM, PPM) Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Digital Modulation & Demodulation Kit  (ASK, FSK, PSK with source) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Adaptive Delta Modulation & Demodulation  (ADM Trainer kit) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

QPSK Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

BPSK Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

BFSK Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Micro Controller Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

8085 Microprocessor  LCD Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

8086 Microprocessor  LCD Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

89C51 (8051) Micro controller kit (LCD Version) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Digital I/O interface board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

7 Segment Display interface Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

LCD interface board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Traffic Light Controller Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

8 bit ADC interface Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

8 bit DAC interface Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Stepper Motor interface board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

AC Motor Interface Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Motor Interface Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Lift Control (Elevator) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

8279 Interface kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

8255 (Parallel) Interface kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Printer Interface Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VLSI Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

VLSI kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Embedded Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Universal Embedded Trainer kit (ARM Trainer kit) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

X Bee Transmitter & Receiver Module Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

CEM Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Delta PLC Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Timing Characteristics of Thermal Overload Relay kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Control circuit for jogging in cage motor kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Control circuit for Semi-Automatic Star-Delta starter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Control circuit for Automatic Star-Delta Starter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Control circuit for Dynamic braking of Cage motor kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Control circuit for Two speed pole changing motor kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Control circuit for Automatic Rotor Resistance Starter kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Speed control of 3HP DC Motor kit (Using SCR) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase Preventer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PLC based DOL Starter kit (Without PLC) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PLC based Star Delta Starter kit (Without PLC) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PLC based control circuit for jogging and forward - reverse operation kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PLC based Single Phase Preventer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Transformer oil tester kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Acidity test kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Speed control of 3HP DC Motor kit (Using SCR) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Sequential operation of solenoid valve and a motor for tank filling operation Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Power Electronics Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Line synchronized, Ramp and Pedestal UJT trigger circuit with AC load experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single phase Half and Full Controlled Bridge with R load experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Lamp control circuit using DIAC – TRIAC experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

SCR commutation circuit kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Basic Series Inverter experiment trainer kit (inbuilt power ckt.) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single phase Parallel Inverter using MOSFET / IGBT experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC chopper control circuit using thyristor experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single phase to Single phase cycloconverter        experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Universal motor control circuit using TRIAC experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Closed loop speed control of Single phase AC motor experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Open loop speed control of Single phase AC motor Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC shunt motor control circuit experiment trainer kit (with PMDC Motor) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Closed loop speed control of DC motor experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Open loop speed control circuit for DC shunt motor Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

MOSFET based PWM Chopper kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single phase Single pulse / Sinusoidal PWM inverter using MOSFET/IGBT experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

SMPS using MOSFET experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Three phase Half bridge / Full bridge Converter experiment trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

GTO Trainer Kit (With Digital Meter) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IGCT Trainer Kit (With Digital Meter) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Characteristics of PMBLDC Motor Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Characteristics of SCR Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Characteristics of TRIAC Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Characteristics of MOSFET Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Characteristics of IGBT Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Transient Characteristics of SCR & MOSFET Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase SCR Half – Full Controlled kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Three Phase SCR Half – Full Controlled kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IGBT based single phase PWM inverter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IGBT based three phase PWM inverter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Resonant DC-to-DC converter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

SCR and TRIAC single phase AC Phase controller along with lamp or rheostat load Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

SCR Based V/I commuted chopper module with relevant firing Module Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase firing circuit module (Phase control characteristics of SCR) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IGBT based high switching frequency chopper Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Switched mode power converter module/ Discrete Component Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Gate Pulse Generation using R, RC and UJT Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Speed Control of AC Motor using DIAC & TRAIC Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Analog Discovery Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

    DSP Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

TMS 320 C50 DSP Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

    Control and Instrumentation Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

P, PI and PID controller Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Transfer function of  DC Shunt generator 1KW Shunt Generator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

AC Servo Motor kit (AC position control kit) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Servo Motor Kit (DC position control kit) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

AC Synchro transmitter& receiver trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Design of Lag, Lead and Lag-Lead Compensator Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Optical sensor  (Using speed measurement) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Measurement of Torque Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Pressure Measurement trainer module to measure pressure Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

(Incl. Current Generator & Air foot pump) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Flow measurement Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

(1/2 HP Motor, Water tank, Rota Meter, Flow Sensor complete set) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Maxwell’s Inductance - Capacitance bridge kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Kelvin Double Bridge Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Watt hour meter (Single Phase Energy meter) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Three Phase Energy Meter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Bourdon pressure transducer with foot pump Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Operational Amplifier Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Workshop Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Iron Box Study Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Mixer Grinder Study Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Wet Grinder Study Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Wet Grinder

Ceiling fan Study Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Ceiling fan with regulator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Connect the battery and inverter to supply partial Load in a domestic wiring during mains failure Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

250W Inverter & 25AH battery & Model wiring Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Battery charging through solar panel. Connect solar Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

LED light Demo Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

15W LED Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Induction Heater Study Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Induction Heater 

Microwave Oven- Identifying the Parts,  Checking the conditions, assembling and testing Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Solar Photo Voltaic Module (12V, 30Watt) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Charge Controller Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electrical Machines Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor with loading arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Three Phase Alternator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Series Motor with Loading Arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Compound Motor with loading arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 Phase  Squirrel cage Induction motor with Rope Brake Arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

1 phase Induction Motor with Rope Brake Arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with DC Compound Generator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with DC Shunt Generator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor with Rope Brake Arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 phase Slip ring Induction motor with Rope Brake Arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with DC Series Generator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

MS Base Frame with Anti vibrating bush and proper Coupling Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Series Motor Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Compound Motor Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 Phase Squirrel cage Induction Motor Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single phase Induction Motor Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 phase Slip ring Induction motor3HP Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled 3 phase Slip ring Induction motor Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled 3? Alternator (Salient Pole Type) Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3? Alternator Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Single Phase Alternator Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor with DC Shunt Generator Panel board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor with DC Series Generator Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Shunt Motor with DC Compound Generator Panel Board Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Servo Rectifier Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

AC Distribution Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Distribution Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Basic Hydraulic Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Pneumatic trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

CCTV Model Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354  

RSS Meter (1 Phase) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

RSS Meter (3 Phase) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Synchronizing Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Auto Synchroscope Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Synchronoscope Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

2 Point Starter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

3 Point Starter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

4 Point Starter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Star Delta Starter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Rotor Resistance Starter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DOL Starter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electrical Machines Lab Workbench Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electronics Lab Work Bench Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

House Wiring Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Winding machine Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single phase induction motor 0.5 H.P. 50 Hz, 240 V Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Winding study motor Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Tachometer Digital Type Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Common base amplifier kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Differential Amplifier using FET Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Schmitt Trigger kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

LC Oscillator Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Realizations of Passive Filters Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Realization of logic circuit for a given Boolean expression Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Instrumentation Amplifier kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Stepper Motor kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

DC Servo Motor kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

IGBT based SMPS Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

UPS Trainer Kit (12V, 4.5AH Battery) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Inverter Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Water bath with Heater arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Furnace with blower arrangement Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electrical Furnace Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Capacitive transducer water level trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Stroboscope Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Telephone Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

FM Radio Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Emergency Lamp Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Decade Resistance Box (Button type On/OFF Switch Type) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Decade Inductance Box (Button type On/OFF Switch) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Decade Capacitance Box (Button type On/OFF Switch) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Calibration of Rotameter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

UP Down Counter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Primary Current Injection set Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Desauty’s Bridge Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Hay’s Bridge Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Pre Emphoses & De Emphoses Trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Synchronous counter trainer kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Design of V/I Converter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Design of I/V Converter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

I-P and P-I converter Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Load test on single phase Isolation Transformer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

LED TV (Trainer kit) Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electrical Machine Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Power Electronics Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Digital and Analog bread board Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Analog Component Trainer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Frequency Synthesizer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Single Phase RLC Load Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Three Phase RLC Load Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Soldering & De soldering Station Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Servo Stabilizer Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

RF Transmitter & Receiver Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Renewable Energy System Lab Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Solar PV Panel Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ON Grid Inverter Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Wind Energy Trainer Kit Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Hybrid Power System Solar Wind Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Artificial Source at Radiation 2000W setup with Variable for Indoor Panel Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Artificial Wind Generator Unit with Variable Wind Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PV Panels – 100W, 24V Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Battery storage system with charge and discharge control 40AH Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

PV Emulator Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Micro wind energy generator module Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

lab equipment Manufacturer and supplier dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


Engineering lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Engineering lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Engineering lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Engineering lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Engineering lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Engineering lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


polytechnic lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

polytechnic lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

polytechnic lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

polytechnic lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

polytechnic lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

polytechnic lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


ITI lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


physics lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

physics lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

physics lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

physics lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

physics lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

physics lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


school lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

school lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

school lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

school lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

school lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

school lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


electrical lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electrical lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electrical lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electrical lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electrical lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electrical lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electronics lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electronics lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electronics lab products suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electronics lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

electronics lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

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testing lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

testing lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

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testing lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

testing lab instruments manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

testing lab products manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354


science lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

science lab instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

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science lab equipment manufacturers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

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ITI tools and equipment manufactures contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools and equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools and equipment dealers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools and equipment sellers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools equipment price list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools equipment price contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI instruments suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI instruments contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI lab equipments contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI fitter tools price list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI fitter tools price contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI Electrician lab equipments manufacturer contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI Electrician lab equipment suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI fitter tools equipment price list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI fitter tools name contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI fitter tools name and photo contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Fitter tools name list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI fitter tools suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools equipment price list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Mechanical fitter tools list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Mechanical fitter tools price list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Mechanical fitter tools supplier contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI tools equipment price list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI electrician tools list contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI Electrician tools list with image contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

ITI electrician tool kit suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electrician tool kit price contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

Electrician tool kit suppliers contact 9677252848 - 9444001354

You can order our equipment online through two websites:

Arts and Science College Electronics Lab Equipment - DC Motor Interface Trainer kit Manufacturer and Suppliers in Chennai Tamil Nadu

8051 - IO Interface Trainer kit Manufacturers in Chennai Tamil Nadu - 9444001354 

Physics Lab Equipment - PLC with Lift Control Interface Trainer kit Manufacturer and Suppliers in Tamil Nadu - India

Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturers in Tamil Nadu - India - 8051 Microcontroller - Matrix Keyboard Interface Trainer kit 

Physics Lab Equipment Suppliers in Tamil Nadu - India - 8051 Microcontroller - Stepper Motor Interface Trainer kit 

8051 Traffic Light Controller Trainer kit – Electronics Science Lab Equipment’s Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354

Intermediate Switch Trainer kit Manufacturers and Suppliers

IOT Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

DIAC TRIAC Lamp Control Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Lamp Load Manufacturer and Supplier’s

LDR, Photo Diode and Photo Transistor Characteristics Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Channel Encoding and Decoding Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Line Synchronized Ramp and Pedestal UJT Trigger Circuit Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Load Cell Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Low Voltage Power Supply Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

LVDT Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Maxwell Bridge Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Megger Manufacturer and Supplier’s

Mercury Vapor Lamp Trainer kit Manufacturer 

Mercury Vapor Lamp Trainer kit Supplier’s

Clamp Meter Dealer Chennai -  Tamil Nadu

Clamp Meter Suppliers in Chennai -  Tamil Nadu 

Digital Ammeter Manufacturer in Chennai -  Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Ammeter Supplier in Chennai -  Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Ammeter Dealers in Chennai - Tamilnadu - – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Ammeter Supplier  in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Multimeter Dealer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Multimeter Supplier in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Meter Trainer kit Manufacturer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Meter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital LCR Meter Dealer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital LCR Meter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

MC Panel Meter Dealer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

MC Panel Meter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Ammeter Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Volt Meter Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Tachometer Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ultrasonic Distance Meter Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Voltmeter Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab MC Voltmeter Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Lab MC Wattmeter Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Cell Phone Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor Mechanical Break Arrangement Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Rope Break Arrangement Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Series Generator Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Series Motor with Mechanical Break Arrangement Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor with DC Compound Generator Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor with DC Shunt Generator Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Alternator Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Motor Control Panel Trainer kit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Motor Control Panel Trainer kit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

Auto Synchronous Starter Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Compound Generator Control Panel Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Shunt Generator Control Panel Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Machines Control Panel Trainer kit – Manufacturers – Supplier – 9444001354 - 96772528

Rotor Resistance Starter Control Panel Manufacturer - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number - 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Compound Motor with Rope Break Arrangement Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optical Sensor Motor Speed Measurement Trainer kit and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Time Division Multiplexer Trainer kit and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Negative Feedback Trainer kit and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law Trainer kit and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Oil Test kit Dealer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Op-Amp Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open Loop and Closed Loop AC Motor Controller Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open Loop and Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optocoupler Characteristics Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Parity Generator and Checker Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Parallel Inverter Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Process Automation Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Patch cord  Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Code Modulation Trainer Kit  Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

SCR Phase Control Characteristics Trainer Kit  Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PID Controller Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PLC Controller Water Tank Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PLC Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Phase Locked Loop Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Cut section  Trainer Kit  Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Trainer Kit  Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Measurement Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Position Modulation Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pre Emphasis and De-Emphasis Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pressure Measurement Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PSK Trainer Kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Generator Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Width Modulation Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

QPSK Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RC Coupled Amplifier Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RC Phase Shift Oscillator Trainer kit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

AC DC Distribution Panel Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Rectifier Unit Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Rectifier Unit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Servo Controlled DC Rectifier Unit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

High Voltage DC Power Supply Unit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Resistive Load Bank Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Resistance Load Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Loading Rheostat Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RLC Load Bank Manufacturer and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Clamp Meter Dealer Chennai -  Tamil Nadu

Clamp Meter Suppliers in Chennai -  Tamil Nadu 

Digital Ammeter Manufacturer in Chennai -  Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Ammeter Supplier in Chennai -  Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Ammeter Dealers in Chennai - Tamilnadu - – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Ammeter Supplier  in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Multimeter Dealer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Multimeter Supplier in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Meter Trainer kit Manufacturer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Meter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital LCR Meter Dealer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital LCR Meter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

MC Panel Meter Dealer in Chennai - Tamilnadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

MC Panel Meter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Ammeter Dealer– 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Volt Meter Supplier – 9444001354 – 9677252848

Digital Tachometer Dealer– 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Tachometer Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ultrasonic Distance Meter Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ultrasonic Distance Meter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Voltmeter Manufacturer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Voltmeter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab MC Voltmeter Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab MC Voltmeter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Lab MC Wattmeter Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Lab MC Wattmeter Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Cell Phone Trainer kit Manufacturer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Cell Phone Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor Mechanical Break Arrangement Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor Mechanical Break Arrangement Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Rope Break Arrangement Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Rope Break Arrangement Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Series Generator Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Series Generator Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Series Motor with Mechanical Break Arrangement Dealer  – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Series Motor with Mechanical Break Arrangement Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor with DC Compound Generator Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor with DC Compound Generator Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor with DC Shunt Generator Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor with DC Shunt Generator Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Alternator Dealer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Alternator Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Motor Control Panel Trainer kit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

Motor Control Panel Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Motor Control Panel Trainer kit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Motor Control Panel Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

Auto Synchronous Starter Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

Auto Synchronous Starter Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Compound Generator Control Panel Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Compound Generator Control Panel Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Shunt Generator Control Panel Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Shunt Generator Control Panel Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Machines Control Panel Trainer kit – Manufacturers – 9444001354 - 96772528

Electrical Machines Control Panel Trainer kit –Supplier – 9444001354 - 96772528

Rotor Resistance Starter Control Panel Manufacturer - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number - 9444001354 – 9677252848

Rotor Resistance Starter Control Panel Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact Number - 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Compound Motor with Rope Break Arrangement Dealer 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Compound Motor with Rope Break Arrangement Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optical Sensor Motor Speed Measurement Trainer kit and Dealers – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optical Sensor Motor Speed Measurement Trainer kit and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Time Division Multiplexer Trainer kit and Manufacturers – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Time Division Multiplexer Trainer kit and Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Negative Feedback Trainer kit and Manufacturers – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law Trainer kit and Manufacturers – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Oil Test kit Dealer– 9444001354 - 9677252848

Op-Amp Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open Loop and Closed Loop AC Motor Controller Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open Loop and Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optocoupler Characteristics Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Parity Generator and Checker Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Parallel Inverter Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Process Automation Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Patch cord  Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Code Modulation Trainer Kit  Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

SCR Phase Control Characteristics Trainer Kit  Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PID Controller Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PLC Controller Water Tank Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PLC Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Phase Locked Loop Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Cut section  Trainer Kit  Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Trainer Kit  Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Measurement Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Position Modulation Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pre Emphasis and De-Emphasis Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pressure Measurement Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PSK Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Generator Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Width Modulation Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

QPSK Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RC Coupled Amplifier Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RC Phase Shift Oscillator Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

AC DC Distribution Panel Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Rectifier Unit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Rectifier Unit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Servo Controlled DC Rectifier Unit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

High Voltage DC Power Supply Unit Manufacturers – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Resistive Load Bank Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Resistance Load Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Loading Rheostat Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RLC Load Bank Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Rheostat Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RLC Bridge Trainer Kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Dual Output Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Output Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Regulated Variable Dual Output Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Multi Output DC Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Fixed Output DC Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Regulated Multiple Output Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Power Supply Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sample and Hold Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Schering Bridge Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Semi-Automatic Star Delta Starter Control Circuit Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sensor Module Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sensor Experiment Trainer kit Manufacturer   - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Series and Parallel Resonance Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Series and Shunt Equalizer Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Series Inverter Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Digit Counter Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase PWM Inverter Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Preventer Trainer kit Manufacturer   – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Switch Mode Power Converter Trainer kit Manufacturer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

SMPS Trainer kit Manufacturer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Solar Cell Characteristics Trainer kit Manufacturers  – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open loop and Closed loop Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Manufacturers in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Negative Feedback Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Oil Test kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Op-Amp Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open Loop and Closed Loop AC Motor Controller Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Open Loop and Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optocoupler Characteristics Trainer kit  Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Parity Generator and Checker Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Parallel Inverter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Process Automation Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Patch cord Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Code Modulation Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

SCR Phase Control Characteristics Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PID Controller Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PLC Controller Water Tank Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PLC Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Phase Locked Loop Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Cut section  Trainer Kit  Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Trainer Kit  Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Measurement Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Position Modulation Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pre Emphasis and De-Emphasis Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pressure Measurement Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

PSK Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Generator Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Width Modulation Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

QPSK Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RC Coupled Amplifier Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RC Phase Shift Oscillator Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

AC DC Distribution Panel Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Rectifier Unit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Rectifier Unit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Servo Controlled DC Rectifier Unit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

High Voltage DC Power Supply Unit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Resistive Load Bank Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Resistance Load Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Loading Rheostat Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RLC Load Bank Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Rheostat Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

RLC Bridge Trainer Kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Dual Output Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Output Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Regulated Variable Dual Output Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Multi Output DC Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Fixed Output DC Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Regulated Multiple Output Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Power Supply Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sample and Hold Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Schering Bridge Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Semi-Automatic Star Delta Starter Control Circuit Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sensor Module Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sensor Experiment Trainer kit Manufacturer – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Series and Parallel Resonance Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Series and Shunt Equalizer Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Series Inverter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Digit Counter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase PWM Inverter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Preventer Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Switch Mode Power Converter Trainer kit Manufacturer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Switch Mode Power Converter Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

SMPS Trainer kit Manufacturer – 9444001354 - 9677252848

SMPS Trainer kit Supplier – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Solar Cell Characteristics Trainer kit Supplier  – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Solar Cell Characteristics Trainer kit Suppliers iChennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Open loop and Closed loop Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Open loop and Closed loop Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact 9444001354; 9677252848

Clamp Meter Dealer in Chennai - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Clamp Meter Dealer in Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Clamp Meter Supplier in Chennai 9444001354 - 9677252848

Clamp Meter Supplier in Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Ammeter Manufacturer in Chennai - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Ammeter Manufacturer in Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Ammeter Supplier in Chennai 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Ammeter Supplier in Tamil Nadu – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Meter Trainer kit Manufacturer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Meter Trainer kit Suppliers in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital LCR Meter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital LCR Meter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

MC Panel Meter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

MC Panel Meter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Ammeter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Ammeter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Volt Meter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Portable MC Volt Meter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Tachometer Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Tachometer Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ultrasonic Distance Meter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Ultrasonic Distance Meter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Voltmeter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Voltmeter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848


Moving Coil Voltmeter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Voltmeter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Wattmeter Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Moving Coil Wattmeter Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Cell Phone Trainer kit Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Cell Phone Trainer kit Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Single Phase Induction Motor Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor Mechanical Break Arrangement Dealer in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact- 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Slipring Induction Motor Mechanical Break Arrangement Supplier in Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Contact - 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor Rope Break Arrangement Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor Rope Break Arrangement Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Series Generator Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Shunt Motor Coupled with Series Generator Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Series Motor with Mechanical Break Arrangement Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Series Motor with Mechanical Break Arrangement Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor with DC Compound Generator Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor with DC Compound Generator Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor with DC Shunt Generator Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

DC Shunt Motor with DC Shunt Generator Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Three Phase Slipring Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Three Phase Slipring Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

3 Phase Auto Synchronous Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Single Phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Single Phase Induction Motor with Mechanical Rope Break Setups Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Engineering Electrical Lab - DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Alternator Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering Electrical Lab - DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3 Phase Alternator Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Lab - DC Compound Motor with Rope Break Arrangement Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Lab - DC Compound Motor with Rope Break Arrangement Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Optical Sensor Motor Speed Measurement Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Optical Sensor Motor Speed Measurement Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Time Division Multiplexer Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Time Division Multiplexer Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Electronics Lab - Negative Feedback Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Negative Feedback Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law Lab Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law Lab Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

Transformer Oil Test kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Transformer Oil Test kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Laboratory Instruments

Electronics Lab - Op-Amp Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Op-Amp Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Instruments

EEE Lab - Open Loop and Closed Loop AC Motor Controller Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

EEE Lab - Open Loop and Closed Loop AC Motor Controller Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Laboratory - Open Loop and Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Dealer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Laboratory - Open Loop and Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Optocoupler Characteristics Laboratory Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Optocoupler Characteristics Laboratory Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

PAM Trainer kit - Pulse Amplitude Modulation Laboratory Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

PAM Trainer kit - Pulse Amplitude Modulation Laboratory Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Parity Generator and Checker Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Parity Generator and Checker Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Parallel Inverter Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Parallel Inverter Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory - Process Automation Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory - Process Automation Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory Trainer kit - Patch cord - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory Trainer kit - Patch cord - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Communication Lab - PCM - Pulse Code Modulation Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Communication Lab - PCM - Pulse Code Modulation Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

EEE – Power Electronics Lab - SCR Phase Control Characteristics Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

EEE – Power Electronics Lab - SCR Phase Control Characteristics Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Engineering Lab - PLC Controlled Water Tank Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering Lab - PLC Controlled Water Tank Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Instrumentation Controller Lab - PLC Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Instrumentation Controller Lab - PLC Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Communication Lab Phase Locked Loop Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Communication Lab Phase Locked Loop Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

ITI Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Cut section Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Polytechnic College Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Cut section Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering College Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Cut section Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

ITI Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Cut section Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Polytechnic College Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Cut section Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Engineering College Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Cut section Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pneumatic Trainer Kit

Double acting cylinder -1 No

Single acting cylinder -1 No

flow control valve – 2 Nos.

Quick exhaust valve -1 No.

Slide valve -1 No.

Roller lever valve -2 Nos.

6way manifold -1 No.

5/3hand lever valve -1No.

3/2 hand lever valve -1 No.

FRL -1 No.

Pressure gauge -1 No.


Direct operation of single and double acting cylinder.

Operation of double acting cylinder with quick exhaust valve.

Speed control of double acting cylinder using metering-in and metering-out circuits.

Automatic operation of double acting cylinder in single cycle - using limit switch.

ITI Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Polytechnic College Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering College Automobile Engineering Lab - Pneumatic Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

 Power Electronics Laboratory - Power Electronics Experiment Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Power Electronics Laboratory - Power Electronics Experiment Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Engineering Laboratory - Power Measurement Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Engineering Laboratory - Power Measurement Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics and Communication Lab - Pulse Position Modulation Trainer Kit – PPM Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics and Communication Lab - Pulse Position Modulation Trainer Kit – PPM Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Engineering College Lab Equipment - Pre-Emphasis - De-Emphasis Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering College Lab Equipment - Pre-Emphasis - De-Emphasis Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Engineering College – Polytechnic College – Electronics Communication Lab - PSK Trainer Kit – Phase Shift Keying Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering College – Polytechnic College – Electronics Communication Lab - PSK Trainer Kit – Phase Shift Keying Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Pulse Signal Generator - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Pulse Signal Generator - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Communication Lab - PWM Signal Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Communication Lab - Pulse Width Modulation Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Communication Lab - PWM Signal Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Communication Lab - Pulse Width Modulation Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Engineering College – Polytechnic College - QPSK Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Engineering College – Polytechnic College - QPSK Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab - RC Coupled Amplifier Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - RC Coupled Amplifier Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab - RC Phase Shift Oscillator Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - RC Phase Shift Oscillator Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Machines Lab - DC Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Machines Lab - DC Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848



Electrical Machines Lab - DC Rectifier Unit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Machines Lab - DC Rectifier Unit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Resistive Load Bank - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Resistive Load Bank - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Variable Resistance - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Variable Resistance - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Load Resistor - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Load Resistor - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Loading Rheostat - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Loading Rheostat - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

RLC Load Bank - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

RLC Load Bank - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Sliding Rheostat - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Dual Output DC Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Dual Output DC Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Variable DC Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Variable DC Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Regulated Variable Dual Output Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Regulated Variable Dual Output Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Multi Output DC Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Multi Output DC Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Fixed Output DC Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Fixed Output DC Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Regulated Multiple Output Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Regulated Multiple Output Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

DC Power Supply - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

DC Power Supply - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics lab - Sample and Hold Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics lab - Sample and Hold Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Arts and Science College Lab Equipment - Schering Bridge Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Arts and Science College Lab Equipment - Schering Bridge Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Lab – Semi Automatic Star Delta Starter Control Circuit Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electrical Lab – Semi Automatic Star Delta Starter Control Circuit Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

ITI Lab - Sensor Module Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

ITI Lab - Sensor Module Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Laboratory - Sensor Experiment Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Laboratory - Sensor Experiment Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Physics Laboratory - Series and Parallel Resonance Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Physics Laboratory - Series and Parallel Resonance Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Engineering Lab - Series and Shunt Equalizer Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Engineering Lab - Series and Shunt Equalizer Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Series Inverter Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Electronics Lab - Series Inverter Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Digital Electronics Lab - Single Digit Counter Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Digital Electronics Lab - Single Digit Counter Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics Lab - Single Phase PWM Inverter Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Power Electronics Lab - Single Phase PWM Inverter Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Control of Electrical Machines Lab - Single Phase Preventer Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Control of Electrical Machines Lab - Single Phase Preventer Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics - Switch Mode Power Converter Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Power Electronics - Switch Mode Power Converter Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics Laboratory - SMPS Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Power Electronics Laboratory - SMPS Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Renewable Energy Lab - Solar Cell Characteristics Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848

Renewable Energy Lab - Solar Cell Characteristics Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Power Electronics Lab - Open loop and Closed loop Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Power Electronics Lab - Open loop and Closed loop Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Machines Lab - DC Shunt Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact - 9444001354; 9677252848


Price Rs.45,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848









Electrical Machines Lab - DC Shunt Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Machines Lab - DC Shunt Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Engineering Lab - AC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Engineering Lab - AC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.64,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Industrial Lab Equipment – Strain Gauge Experiment Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Industrial Lab Equipment – Strain Gauge Experiment Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Engineering Lab – Testbench – Wooden stool - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Engineering Lab – Testbench – Wooden stool - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.3,500-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Control and Drives Lab Practical – Stepper Motor Control Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Control and Drives Lab Practical – Stepper Motor Control Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Engineering Machines Lab - 3 Phase Motor – Rotor Resistance Starter - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Engineering Machines Lab - 3 Phase Motor – Rotor Resistance Starter - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.47,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical - 3 Phase Motor – Autotransformer Starter - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical - 3 Phase Motor – Autotransformer Starter - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.46,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical - 3 Phase Motor – Fully Automatic – Stat Delta Starter - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical - 3 Phase Motor – Fully Automatic – Stat Delta Starter - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.24,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Motor - DOL Starter - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Motor - DOL Starter - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.24,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Engineering Lab - Induction Motor Speed Control - VF Drive trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Engineering Lab - Induction Motor Speed Control - VF Drive trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.90,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Engineering Lab - DC Motor SCR Speed Controller Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Engineering Lab - DC Motor SCR Speed Controller Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.24,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Engineering Lab - DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Engineering Lab - DC Motor Speed Controller Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.84,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Industrial Engineering Equipment - Superposition Theorems Experiment Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Industrial Engineering Equipment - Superposition Theorems Experiment Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.23,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Communication Engineering Lab - Symmetrical T - Pi Attenuator Trainer kit - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Contact - 9444001354; 9677252848


Price Rs.25,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848



 Control and Instrumentation Engineering Lab – Synchro Transmitter and Receiver Instrument - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Control and Instrumentation Engineering Lab – Synchro Transmitter and Receiver Instrument - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.47,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848


 Electrical – Synchronization Panel - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical – Synchronization Panel - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.77,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Communication Lab Equipment – Telephone Demonstration Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Communication Lab Equipment – Telephone Demonstration Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electronics Instrumentation Lab Equipment – Temperature Measurement Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electronics Instrumentation Lab Equipment – Temperature Measurement Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Control of Electrical Machines Lab Equipment – Thermal Overload Relay Control Panel Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Control of Electrical Machines Lab Equipment – Thermal Overload Relay Control Panel Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Circuits Lab Equipment – Verification of Superposition Theorems Experiment Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Circuits Lab Equipment – Verification of Superposition Theorems Experiment Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI – Electrical Tools - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Isolated Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Isolated Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.7,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 3 Phase Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


3 Phase Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.28,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Single Phase Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Single Phase Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.7,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.2,700-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Step Down Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Step Down Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.5,400-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Step Up Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Step Up Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.5,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 High Voltage Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


High Voltage Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.2,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Oil Cooled Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Oil Cooled Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.99,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 High Current Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


High Current Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Current Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Current Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.2,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Transformer – Load Test Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Transformer – Load Test Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.79,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Industrial Transformer - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Industrial Transformer - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Power Electronics Lab Equipment – TRIAC Characteristics Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Power Electronics Lab Equipment – TRIAC Characteristics Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848


Television Engineering Lab Equipment - TV CRT Deflection Sesitivity Testing Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Television Engineering Lab Equipment - TV CRT Deflection Sesitivity Testing Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.49,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Television Engineering Laboratory Equipment – Television Engineering Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Television Engineering Laboratory Equipment – Television Engineering Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Control of Electrical Machines Lab Equipment - Two Speed Pole Changing – Motor Control Panel - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Control of Electrical Machines Lab Equipment - Two Speed Pole Changing – Motor Control Panel - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electronics and Communication Lab Equipment – UJT Relaxation Oscillator Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electronics and Communication Lab Equipment – UJT Relaxation Oscillator Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Power Electronics Lab Equipment – Universal Motor Controller – Using TRIAC - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Power Electronics Lab Equipment – Universal Motor Controller – Using TRIAC - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Power Electronics Laboratory Equipment – UPS Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Power Electronics Laboratory Equipment – UPS Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.49,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Television Engineering Lab Equipment – Video Amplifier Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Television Engineering Lab Equipment – Video Amplifier Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 VLSI Laboratory Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


VLSI Laboratory Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Lab Equipment – 3 Phase Voltage Controller Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Lab Equipment – 3 Phase Voltage Controller Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848


Power Electronics Lab Equipment – Voltage Controlled Oscillator – Using IC 566  - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Power Electronics Lab Equipment – Voltage Controlled Oscillator – Using IC 566  - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.28,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Live Wire Detector – Voltage Finder - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Live Wire Detector – Voltage Finder - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.5,700-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Polytechnic – Engineering College – ITI – Science College - Electronics Lab Equipment – DC Voltage Regulator Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Polytechnic – Engineering College – ITI – Science College - Electronics Lab Equipment – DC Voltage Regulator Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.26,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Arts and Science College Electronics Lab Equipment – Variable Voltage Regulator Trainer Kit – Using IC 317 - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Arts and Science College Electronics Lab Equipment – Variable Voltage Regulator Trainer Kit – Using IC 317 - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Physics Lab Equipment – Wein Bridge Oscillator Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Physics Lab Equipment – Wein Bridge Oscillator Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Instrumentation Control Lab Equipment – Wheatstone Bridge Experiment Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Instrumentation Control Lab Equipment – Wheatstone Bridge Experiment Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.28,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Transformer Winding Machine - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Transformer Winding Machine - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.49,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Celling Fan Coil Winding Machine - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Celling Fan Coil Winding Machine - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.77,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Machines Wiring and Winding Lab Equipment – Motor Winding Study Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Machines Wiring and Winding Lab Equipment – Motor Winding Study Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.67,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electronics Laboratory – Work Bench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electronics Laboratory – Work Bench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.67,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electronics Lab Testbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electronics Lab Testbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.69,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Laboratory – Testbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Laboratory – Testbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.89,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Lab – Workbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Lab – Workbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.77,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Machines Lab - Motor Testbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Machines Lab - Motor Testbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.77,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electronics Lab Equipment Testbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electronics Lab Equipment Testbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.76,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Motor Testbench Panel - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Motor Testbench Panel - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.49,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Equipment Testbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Equipment Testbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.79,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electronics Laboratory Equipment Testbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electronics Laboratory Equipment Testbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.89,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Engineering College – Electronics Lab - Workbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Engineering College – Electronics Lab - Workbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.79,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Electrical Laboratory – Wooden Workbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Laboratory – Wooden Workbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.89,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Polytechnic College – Electronics Laboratory – Experiment Workbench - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Polytechnic College – Electronics Laboratory – Experiment Workbench - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.1,49,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

Electrical Wiring Lab – Two Way Switch Wiring Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Electrical Wiring Lab – Two Way Switch Wiring Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.29,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrical Lab – Iron Box Testing Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrical Lab – Iron Box Testing Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrician Laboratory – 3 Phase Control Panel Wiring Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrician Laboratory – 3 Phase Control Panel Wiring Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.28,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrician Engineering Laboratory – Celling Fan Winding Connection Testing Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrician Engineering Laboratory – Celling Fan Winding Connection Testing Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.31,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrical Wiring Laboratory Equipment – DC Current Polarity Testing Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrical Wiring Laboratory Equipment – DC Current Polarity Testing Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848


Price Rs.32,000-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrician Trade – House Wiring Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrician Trade – House Wiring Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrical Lab Equipment – Godown Electrical Wiring Model Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrical Lab Equipment – Godown Electrical Wiring Model Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,700-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrician Laboratory Equipment – Induction Coking stow Service model Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrician Laboratory Equipment – Induction Coking stow Service model Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.27,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 Renewable Energy Lab Equipment – Solar Panel Battery Charge Control Experiment Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


Renewable Energy Lab Equipment – Solar Panel Battery Charge Control Experiment Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,800-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrical Mechanic Trade Lab Equipment – Mixer Grinder Servicing Model Trainer kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrical Mechanic Trade Lab Equipment – Mixer Grinder Servicing Model Trainer kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.28,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrician Trade Lab Equipment – Single Phase House Wiring Connection Practice Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrician Trade Lab Equipment – Single Phase House Wiring Connection Practice Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,600-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Lab Equipment – Renewable Energy Lab Equipment – Solar Plant Circuit Connection Diagram Model Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Lab Equipment – Renewable Energy Lab Equipment – Solar Plant Circuit Connection Diagram Model Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.89,900-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848

 ITI Electrical Mechanic Service Trade Lab Equipment – Wet Grinder Servicing Trainer Kit - Manufacturer – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 – 9677252848


ITI Electrical Mechanic Service Trade Lab Equipment – Wet Grinder Servicing Trainer Kit - Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Ct. 9444001354 - 9677252848

Price Rs.29,700-00 – Price can be negotiated - Contact – 9444001354 - 9677252848


Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Trainer kit - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.45,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Power Measurement Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.39,000-00


Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.20,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Three Phase Current Measurement using Single Ammeter Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.29,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Calibration of Energy Meter Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.28,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Wheatstone Bridge Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.25,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Anderson Bridge Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.27,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Schering Bridge Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.22,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Temperature Measurement Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.23,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – LVDT Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Proximity Sensor Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.72,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Ultrasonic and Moisture Sensor Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.35,000-00



Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Earth Resistance Tester – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.25,000-00









Polytechnic College - Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.15,000-00



Polytechnic College – EEE Department - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.5,000-00



Polytechnic College – Electrical Department - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.50,000-00



Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.50,000-00



Polytechnic College – EEE Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.25,000-00



Polytechnic College – EEE Department – 3rd Semester – Syllabus – 2023 Regulation - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.35,000-00



Polytechnic College – Electrical Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.45,000-00



Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.55,000-00



Polytechnic College - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.65,000-00



Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.85,000-00



Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department – 3rd Semester - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.75,000-00




Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department – 2023 Regulation – Syllabus - 3rd Semester - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Experiment - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India

Price Rs.75,000-00

Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.25,500-00 - We Provide Sensor and measurement Lab Experiment manual book with our equipment

Power Measurement Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.24,400-00 - We Provide Power Measurement Experiment manual book with our equipment

Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.21,100-00 - We Provide Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter Experiment manual book with our equipment

Three Phase Current Measurement using Single Ammeter Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.25,500-00 - We Provide Three Phase Current Measurement using Single Ammeter Experiment manual book with our equipment

Calibration of Energy Meter Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.25,500-00 - We Provide Calibration of Energy Meter Experiment manual book with our equipment

Wheatstone Bridge Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.23,300-00 - We Provide Wheatstone Bridge Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Anderson Bridge Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.29,900-00 - We Provide Anderson Bridge Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Schering Bridge Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.28,800-00 - We Provide Schering Bridge Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Temperature Measurement Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.25,500-00 - We Provide temperature Measurement Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

LVDT Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.29,999-00 - We Provide LVDT Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Proximity Sensor Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.21,000-00 - We Provide Proximity Sensor Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Ultrasonic and Moisture Sensor Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.24,400-00 - We Provide - Ultrasonic and Moisture Sensor - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Earth Resistance Tester – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.22,200-00 - We Provide - Earth Resistance Tester - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.23,300-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – EEE Department - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.22,200-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – EEE Department - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Electrical Department - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.22,200-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Electrical Department - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.27,700-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – EEE Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.26,600-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – EEE Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – EEE Department – 3rd Semester – Syllabus – 2023 Regulation - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.22,200-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – EEE Department – 3rd Semester – Syllabus – 2023 Regulation - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Electrical Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.24,400-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Electrical Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.25,500-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – 3rd Semester - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.24,400-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College - Industrial Drives and Controls - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.23,300-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department - Industrial Drives and Controls - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department – 3rd Semester - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.21,100-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department – 3rd Semester - Industrial Drives and Controls - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department – 2023 Regulation – Syllabus - 3rd Semester - Industrial Drives and Controls Lab - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.25,500-00 - We Provide - Polytechnic College – Mechanical Department – 2023 Regulation – Syllabus - 3rd Semester - Industrial Drives and Controls - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Trainer kit - Equipment – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.24,400-00 - We Provide - Sensors and Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment

Sensors and Measurement Lab – Experiment – Power Measurement Trainer kit – Manufacturer – Supplier – Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India - Price Rs.23,300-00 - We Provide - Sensors Power Measurement - Experiment lab manual book with our equipment